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Monday, April 14, 2008

Class Camp!

Zz i dint go for class camp i pon! Now i got to go for lectures only and stone the rest of the time...bleh
Faced my first defeat ever since i mastered poof alr gah. Here are the reasons:
1) It was em.
2) The enemy team was void, slardar (leaver), bone, drow and shadow fiend. ALL PICK ONE! LATE GAME SUMMORE.
3) The cm and luna somehow got firstblood double kill by a goddamn drow at level f***ing 2!!
4) By the time i killed drow she came back with fly, guard and crystalis and killed me.
5) This warlock on my team. Use infernal, then upheaval, den IMMEDIATELY cast word. Genius.


Damn pissed i went on another kill frenzy and owned all the next game, yet another 27-0.

Ah well its one day and surprisingly i actually miss you ppl... wtf?
I am skitzo now lol. Half the time i feel absolutely heck care abt everything the other half i am acutally human?
Sheesh this is wierdness. I am crazy wor!

He was cursed with God's light upon his head...

You promised me the sunrise,
at 7:54 AM

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Ok this is a little late but. Thanks a LOT for the birthday celebration guys damn fun!
I sat on my cake lol den tried to hump ppl with the cake on my butt XD
Got a damn cool set of presents which includes a pair of converse shoes that cost 60 bucks and a cool pe pants with creative designs on them (heh) I have damn good frens :D
Oh and i have a damn huge card which seems normal but don't turn it over man!
PW groups reshuffle again so stressful i hate pw gah.
Found MORE screwed up girls to add to the growing list of screwed up girls in RJ J1.
NAPFA test lor. Scores are shit. Still gold but damn sian. Sit and reach is shit. The guy make me redo until my score from 42 drop to 40 wor. Oh and i look super sexy now cos my eyebrows are shaved...grahh life damn tough. I feel like wearing an eye patch to sch lol. Well cya off to do other things.

From your foes comes oceans of blood,
Purging their sins like Noah's great flood.

You promised me the sunrise,
at 6:23 AM

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

Heh damn long nvr blog once again, i blame the useless life in RJ
Today marks the 17th year in my life and still i am failing in relationships.
Who gives a shit! ^^
Though i been playing too much screwy songs on electric and feel damn crazy like wanna kill someone lol.
Sucks i need a girl who can bring out the best in me, not the worst!
Geheheh doubt i'd make a good husband anyway so i guess i will stick to single? And maybe if i feel horny go geylang or sth :D
I wanna love you but my heart is filled with hate...

You promised me the sunrise,
at 1:00 AM

RJ :(
Ex 4P dude!
BB o7!
Wish upon a Sun..
That girl :D
Better looks
Better grades :p
An improved guitar
Song that breaks dawn
Get your songs here!
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The voice!

Rays of Hope
Last Sunset
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